Pages of my Notebook

Thursday, 17 November 2011

In the Long Run/ Missing out

As I have already explained, me smiling!
Sorry about the title, it does display a certain amount of indecisiveness. But back to business. I am posting this because I am meant to be at a party, but as I have exams coming up very soon (as in this Wednesday soon) I can't go. And you can see how I'm missing out. I walked home with everyone else for about half of the way, though, so at least I got to join in a bit. That's where the long run comes in. I would have loved to go, but if I stay at home and revise, it will be more beneficial in the long run. Or the short run, as all the exams are over in February. So,this is what I can do...think ahead (yep, the long run again) and know that I am doing work for my exams and also think that there'll be other parties, or carry on sniffling for quite a long time. I mean, there will be loads of other parties but I get one shot at this exam. As I am feeling quite gloomy and sad, I will put a photo of me smiling! Hopefully that will give me something to grin about again (smiling is very contagious. It could even be classified a disease that comes and goes too quickly, that everyone wants to get).

Cari- I'm sorry that this was a bit strange, but it's what I felt like posting- A real life situation that everyone can relate to.


Anonymous said...

Keep smiling, it makes you look even prettier :-)

Cari said...

Thank you SO much :-)!!!!!!!!!!

Wolfang said...

I agree keep smiling

Anonymous said...

delayed gratification...that's waht my parents call it hahaha

Cari said...

Delayed gratification...I like it :-)
Cari xxx