Pages of my Notebook

Sunday, 20 November 2011

If only life was a video could watch it, rewind it and do things again, and fast forward it to a better time.

You do things that you regret, you do things that you look back on and say "I could have done that better." Authors do it when the get a book published. Or you are correcting mistakes and find a careless mistake that the answer was obvious to. Everyone makes these mistakes, all the time. Note I didn't say blogs, because those can be deleted or edited.
When I was nine, I got a short story published in a book. At that moment, I was ecstatic. But now, when I read it againl I think "I should have used that word, not that," or "That sentence is so strange, I wish I hadn't put it in." At least it isn't something I regret, and I still get a wonderfully warm feeling of pride when I see my name imprinted on the crisp white pages.
Enough about me, there are much more serious versions of this. Crime is an interesting one, so I'm going to explore that. If a random person on the street leaps out at a girl and kills her for no reason, they will probably regret it later on, especially if they are jailed. But if somebody has done something terrible to them or that affects them, chances are that he either dosen't regret and feels justified in murder, or he takes a lot longer to regret it. Lets say someone that is reasonably well-off shoplifts and gets found out. It's not the same as if somebody gets caught stealing bread if they have no food. The person who has no food will not want to have done anything differently- after all, he was trying to survive. But if the person who shoplifted for no particular reason gets caught, he will regret it later on. And probably end up paying.

Cari xxx

BS (for those of you who don't know, blog script): I should really post a story on my blog.


Delia said...

So true!
Delia x

Rachel Coombs said...

I always feel the same when I look back at my writing. I'm like "I should not have written it like that!" But I think we should just be glad that it was good in our minds at that time. Things can always be improved. btw, very well written!!! :D