I thought that anticipation would be an appropriate thing to blog about, seeing as it's Christmas in...9 days! Everyone is anticipating Christmas for various reasons, like spending time with family, seeing beautiful decorations light up shops and resturaunts, and presents :-) (giving and receiving). I have found that the build-up to something is as exciting as the event itself, because you feel this sense of anticipation, excitement and almost suspense.
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I am going to write a story to show how I feel at the moment:
Ellie pushed her duvet off her and sprinted downstairs, where her crismon advent calendar awaited her. Without hesitating, she ripped open her door with an elaborate number 17 on it. Today, her treat was a detailed chocolate sleigh, laden with presents. She paused for a moment, looking at the intricate design, and then gulped it down. Only eight more days after today!, she thought excitedly, her wide, jade-coloured eyes shining with an almost wild glow. She grabbed a box of Cheerio's and drowned the remaining contents with milk in her favourite bowl. They had been consumed by Ellie within two minutes. She tiptoed out of the kitchen into the living room where the family's lavishly decorated Christmas tree stood proudly. Ellie was in a trance for a few minutes, gazing at the different ornaments, but was disturbed shortly by what sounded like a parade but what was probably her siblings.
I'm like Ellie at the moment. A lot like Ellie. I am anticipating Christmas like a dog waiting for a bone to be thrown for them. Or like my brother at his birthday party, waiting for the animals to be shown (it was an animal party...).

Me in Jordan- on a much-anticipated trip! |
Cari, who is becoming increasingly excited for Christmas! 
Lovely photos!
Would love it if you visit my blog when you have time ;)
Great idea for a post!
The video is so cute!
also i just have one concern, you put a picture of you in Jordan and the caption was- on a much anticipated trip! I don't get why? Will you please explain that in further detail?
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