Do you think that stealing ideas is as bad as stealing physical objects?
Well, I have always thought that the thought behind stealing is worse than the fact that something is stolen. So, this got me thinking- what about stealing thoughts?
Take illegal downloading. Somebody works hard to write a song, and finally manages to put it on iTunes to earn something for their work. Then, somebody comes along, thinks "I don't want to pay for that song," and illegally copies it and downloads it for free (I don't know much about illegal downloads mostly because I have never done it before, but I am using it as an example). They are basically stealing somebody's intellectual property (i.e. their song). This, in my opinion, is worse than the fact that they have actually "stolen" the song. They've stolen the thought behind it.
It's really the same as if you come up with a great idea, and discuss it with someone then they go and tell everybody and claim the idea as their own. Even worse, they may accuse you of copying them! That's intellectual property being stolen.
Stealing intellectual property is different to stealing an object. Most physical objects are replaceable, but thoughts? You can think them again but you can't take them back. And as for the thief... the only "revenge" that you can take on them is the fact that you know that you came up with it, and they know that they copied it. I would also consider copying a form of stealing. It's the same as stealing intellectual property.
Cari, who hates it when people steal her ideas and claim it as their own*
*Disclaimer: any reference to real persons is purely coincidental :-)
Great blog, I'm a new follower =)
Great blog!
well said!
i haven't thought about it like that, thanks for showing me a different point of view! :) great post!
Hi dear, I love your insight. I do think stealing ideas and thoughts is as bad as stealing material things. In fact, your personal thoughts are more precious than anything that can be bought.
"Stealing intellectual property is different to stealing an object. Most physical objects are replaceable, but thoughts? You can think them again but you can't take them back. And as for the thief... the only "revenge" that you can take on them is the fact that you know that you came up with it, and they know that they copied it"
Nicely said!
But as you rightly pointed out the thief will always know deep inside that they copied the idea and you should feel better to think that your own idea was so good that somebody wanted to steal it :-)
Imitation ois the highest form of flattery....
The person who steals and copies will always feel a deep sense of worthlessness as they realise they as not as clever as the person they steal/copy from (otherwise why would they bother stealing your ideas?)
Instead of trying to steal your ideas to keep up with you they should focus their energy in coming up with something of their own, they would feel better about themselves!
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