Pages of my Notebook

Monday, 19 September 2011

Another 17 years...Until We Can Supply You With Another Limb

A mother has just publicly accused the NHS of "Age discrimination" after they say that her 1-year-old daughter cannot be supplied with an artificial limb until she is 18.

Year-old Poppy has a shortened right arm and it would be beneficial if she could have a flexible artificial limb. Instead she has a velcro-strap PVC limb. The NHS have said that it would have to be changed often as the arm grows so it would be better is she could wait until she has stopped growing to get one. Her mother, Mrs Pickford, is not satisfied with the velcro-strap limb as she claims it gives the appearance Poppy has a broken arm and says it falls off too easily.

Her family are looking towards raising over £30,000 to supply Poppy with five silicone arms.

I can see why the NHS are saying this but at the same time, I understand that Poppy's parents want the best for Poppy- in this case, wanting her to learn to use a normal arm.

What do you think? Is the NHS being reasonable or discriminating against Poppy because of her age? Please share your views and comment.
