Pages of my Notebook

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Quality, not Quantity

The old saying at it's most important in a media controlled world where everything is judged on quantity. The old saying that you thought were the most annoying words ever spoken when you wrote an eleven page story at school.

Having many sales could well be an indicator of quality. A blog having many followers can be an indicator of a good blog. Not always. But a blog could pull in over a million followers overnight but it would still be terrible. I am not saying that everything popular is bad. But people buy into popular culture for the sake of doing so and for acceptance, regardless of what they think of it.

If it were totally up to you, how many of the shops that you currently shop at would you actually shop at?

I am also not saying that you should follow this blog if you think it is terrible. You can comment and tell me your concerns or disagreements, but if you feel you have my interests or like my style of writing, please feel free to.

A lot of people show off if quantity is shown in any way over something they have done: "Look at how many followers I have on Twitter. How many have you got?" This could be a good time to say you don't have Twitter. "How many friends have you got on Facebook? I have seven hundred and sixty three!" This person probably doesn't even know half/most of them. "My favourite song is Stay Awake by Example, it's number 1! What rating on the charts is your favourite song?" You may not be an Example fan. That is beside the point; the point is that they are basing their judgements and status and importance on a rating of Quantity. They are not asking you whether you enjoy using Twitter. They are not asking you whether anyone of your friends on Facebook has posted some exciting news recently. They are not asking what your favourite song is. They are asking how much you are worth in Facebook friends, Twitter followers or even your favourite song.

The reason I posted this was because I thought somebody's opinions and judgements are never more or less worthy than another person, and the dignity for one's opinions is fading.


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