Pages of my Notebook

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Going Back or Starting Fresh...

This seems like a convinient time to write, doesn't it? The school year is starting and people will go back to their daily work routine soon, some have already started. Going back to something is strange to me; I never have completely positive nor negative reactions or emotions towards it. Sometimes you are going back to something you've experienced many a time, or maybe it is partially or totally new to you.

Whenever I think about it, I tend to go through my list of positives and negatives of Going Back. It may look huge, it may pass without very much notice by like a car driving by. It could take up the topic of every thought you have. I would like to (and already have a bit) share my thoughts on Going Back.

You could get to see friends or collegues that you haven't seen for a while, and share your experiences with them. But I'm not going to lie to you, they can change, and that has happened so many times. A collegue who you have always found agreeable and fun to be around could now be completely difficult, disagreeable and boring. People may see the same thing in you too. This is what triggers my positive and negative feelings towards going back somewhere.

On the other hand you could be completely new to something. And it's worse mid-year, surrounded by an army of experienced people. Everyone knows that feeling- Where do I go, How do I act, What do I do? Or you can feel like a veteran after a week or two. People do have different reactions.

My best advice for anyone nervous about going back to somewhere or starting somewhere new would be: It is best not to try and stand out or draw attention to yourself on the first day by disagreeing with what everyone says just for the sake of it. You want to be noticed, but this could set a bad reputation for you, which you will later have to try and make up for.

My best advice for someone relaxed about going back or starting somewhere new would be: It's great that you aren't nervous, but don't get too caught up in the positives because people change. And if you are starting somewhere new, remember that it might not live up to your expectations. So lowerng them slightly will be benefitial, and possible save disappointment.

If you would like to share any experiences or have advice for people going back or starting somewhere new, please comment.


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