Pages of my Notebook

Friday, 23 December 2011

You say obsession like it's a bad thing...

There is a quote that says this but I am currently unable to post photographs on my blog.

But anyhow, let me give you an example:
A couple of years ago, I became obsessed with a skipping show on TV.  It left me with skipping-itus, and I would skip whenever I got the chance. I was extremely disappointed to find that the only skipping rope I possessed was too long. So I begged for a new one and made skipping ropes out of belts tied together. But a few weeks later, the obsession faded. Not completely. I still skip now, not constantly, though. And I have been left with a number of tricks that I still try to attempt when I have the rope out.
That is probably quite a good obsession- skipping is healthy, and it didn't get into the way of anything, I just did it in my spare time. There are many other obsessions like that. 
I consider myself quite well rounded, so I like to concentrate on more than one thing, but I am very open (the personality trait) so I do enjoy change.
Obsession can take over people's lives if they get out of hand, which is what I am trying to steer away from in this post. I'll admit that there are unhealthy and just blatantly bad habits and obsessions that people have, which explains why people often view obsession as a bad thing.
But that is a stereotype because there are ones that don't take up all of your time and are healthy. 
So here's my view: Obsessions allow people to do what they are passionate about (for a while, anyway). There are bad obsessions but there are many good ones too, which give people something to do, and more importantly, something to enjoy.
I understand that obsession can be very bad and "evolve into worse things" as Tiana said but I have a positive view on obsessions which is different to a lot of people's opinions so I wanted to share my views. 
Cari xxx

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Rose Wellingtons

If you read my description, you'll see that one of my interests is photography.
I went to the park today and took some photos- here they are:

Here are the rose wellies :-)

It took ages to get this one- the bird kept moving!

I think that this picture conveys survival in a way, because the bird appears to be searching for food amongst the leaves. The many leaves show how hard it is to find food in order to survive. I shows hope too, because the tail feathers are up high. I think that especially as the leaves are a bit frosty, which symbolizes Winter, (the season of hardship in survival), which I think makes this photo more effective.

I know, the leaf in the middle is blurred- but I like it that way

Often, people don't see what is right before them. I took this photo to express that. The leaf is blurred to show that you sometimes can't see the obvious. The ones behind signify less obvious things, but you can see them clearly.

There isn't really a focus in this picture- just the depth

This picture has depth clearly shown in it- the trees getting "smaller" in the distance creates this effect. This one also has the feeling of being hidden- at the bottom of the photo, there are some holly leaves, as if you are behind a bush.

One of my favourites-
Through the trees......

This photo creates a sense of mystery, hiding, almost secret agent rushing behind trees in a quest to go unnoticed. There is a bird that you can only just see in front, as if you can just about see what is going on. The aim was to create a mysterious photo that can be intepreted in many ways...
These were the best photos I took. I had a lot of fun taking them and I hope you enjoyed the photos!
Wait- I have made a decision. I'm going to start doing photo logs like this one. Not all the time. I'll still write things most of the time. But I like expressing my thoughts through photography.
Cari x

Friday, 16 December 2011


I thought that anticipation would be an appropriate thing to blog about, seeing as it's Christmas in...9 days! Everyone is anticipating Christmas for various reasons, like spending time with family, seeing beautiful decorations light up shops and resturaunts, and presents :-) (giving and receiving). I have found that the build-up to something is as exciting as the event itself, because you feel this sense of anticipation, excitement and almost suspense.

You may be familiar with this advert...

I am going to write a story to show how I feel at the moment:
Ellie pushed her duvet off her and sprinted downstairs, where her crismon advent calendar awaited her. Without hesitating, she ripped open her door with an elaborate number 17 on it. Today, her treat was a detailed chocolate sleigh, laden with presents. She paused for a moment, looking at the intricate design, and then gulped it down. Only eight more days after today!, she thought excitedly, her wide, jade-coloured eyes shining with an almost wild glow. She grabbed a box of Cheerio's and drowned the remaining contents with milk in her favourite bowl. They had been consumed by Ellie within two minutes. She tiptoed out of the kitchen into the living room where the family's lavishly decorated Christmas tree stood proudly. Ellie was in a trance for a few minutes, gazing at the different ornaments, but was disturbed shortly by what sounded like a parade but what was probably her siblings. 

I'm like Ellie at the moment. A lot like Ellie. I am anticipating Christmas like a dog waiting for a bone to be thrown for them. Or like my brother at his birthday party, waiting for the animals to be shown (it was an animal party...).

Me in Jordan- on a much-anticipated trip!

Cari, who is becoming increasingly excited for Christmas!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

So much more behind it...

Before I start, thank you to everyone who commented on my Intellectual Property blog, becuase you all had really positive things to say about it. I value everyone's opinion.

Now down to the post.
The name and idea has been inspired by quite a few things. First of all, I did a sushi-making course today and loved it (read on, this is relevant). And at first I thought, the sushi is delicious. And then, I thought, Is it really all about the sushi? Isn't it also learning about Japanese culture? There was so much more to it than just enjoying the (very enjoyable) sushi.
The second thing was a conversation that I happened to overhear on the Tube. Two women were presumably talking about someone they knew doing a public poetry reading but they hated saying things in public. They were doing it to overcome this. And they said something like: "He speaks really fast, but especially when you're reading poetry, you have to kind of read slow because you need time to think about what's behind the line, if you know what I mean."
That's hit the nail right on the head. Exactly what I wanted to express.

It's strange to consider this- when you appear happy, everyone thinks that you have everything going for you and your life is perfect. Ashamedly, I have thought that. But now it falls into place, because there is so much  more to being happy than it seems. I have never really thought of it that way, but it's true. Looking back on happy times as I often do, I realize that the setting had a slight imperfection that I didn't notice, and maybe I had a stomach ache that I didn't notice at the time- Why? I had decided to look past that. I was too busy being happy.

No-one knows everything, as everyone knows. But people think that they are superior by knowing more facts than others. People are not being wise by saying they know a lot, because no-one knows a lot compared to all the facts there are to find out. Yes, some know more than others, but the wisest people are the ones who realize they don't know everything and accept that. And the people who can come up with quotes like these.

Well, I never thought of it like this but, looking ahead is more important. Of course, reflecting to learn from your mistakes is a good idea, but you can only wait for tommorrow, you can't go back to yesterday. This quote speaks for itself. But I do love this saying.

The next one a lot of people are familiar with, but I want to explain it anyway.

This saying conveys this: make the best of a bad situation (or should I say, seemingly bad). It's a quote that keeps you looking on the bright side- Why? Lemonade is a well-liked drink. Lemons are sour and to most people taste horrible on their own, add some sugar and some positive views, and you have lemonade. And the people who do this enjoy the "lemonade" too.

Thank you for joining me through this thought-provoking journey (at least for me), and I hope you liked my intepretations of these quotes.

Cari x

Friday, 2 December 2011

Intellectual Property

Do you think that stealing ideas is as bad as stealing physical objects?

Well, I have always thought that the thought behind stealing is worse than the fact that something is stolen. So, this got me thinking- what about stealing thoughts?

Take illegal downloading. Somebody works hard to write a song, and finally manages to put it on iTunes to earn something for their work. Then, somebody comes along, thinks "I don't want to pay for that song," and illegally copies it and downloads it for free (I don't know much about illegal downloads mostly because I have never done it before, but I am using it as an example). They are basically stealing somebody's intellectual property (i.e. their song). This, in my opinion, is worse than the fact that they have actually "stolen" the song. They've stolen the thought behind it.

It's really the same as if you come up with a great idea, and discuss it with someone then they go and tell everybody and claim the idea as their own. Even worse, they may accuse you of copying them! That's intellectual property being stolen.

Stealing intellectual property is different to stealing an object. Most physical objects are replaceable, but thoughts? You can think them again but you can't take them back. And as for the thief... the only "revenge" that you can take on them is the fact that you know that you came up with it, and they know that they copied it. I would also consider copying a form of stealing. It's the same as stealing intellectual property.

Cari, who hates it when people steal her ideas and claim it as their own*

*Disclaimer: any reference to real persons is purely coincidental :-)

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Happy Birthday

This post it dedicated to my little brother, who turned four today.

Where do I begin? There are so many positive things I have to say about my brother. He is so clever, extroverted, bubbly, active and full of fun. He enriches my life, brightening things up even at the darkest of times. He is caring, thoughtful, lovable, cuddly... I could go on. His liveliness triggers mine, his ability to always look on the bright side inspires my views. He fills my heart with joy when he runs around hysterically, too excited to describe in words. "Happy Birthday to me!" He chants wildly, his eyes brimming with eagerness. All the things that make him "him" merge to create a strong, happy young character- who brings joy to everybody. He is always onto something new and he's eager to learn about the world around him. He is hilarious, and his sometimes unintentionally funny comments and views of the world result in hysterics from the entire family. He is friendly and kind to everybody, and has every trait that I could possibly want from a brother and more. Every day he comes up with new tricks that make me burst out laughing, and every day my love for him grows.
Happy Birthday, you are truly loved xxx

Cari xxx

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Inspirational, Aspirational

I have just been watching the news, and an inspiring story has alerted me.
Monique Van der Vorst is just beyond insprirational. At thirteen, her left leg was paralysed when an operation on her foot went wrong. Three years ago, she was in a cycle crash, and her right leg was paralysed too. While she was paralysed, she trained for the Paralympics and won not one, but two silver medals in the Paralymics (cycling). One day, she started to feel a slight tingling in her legs one day while at Physiotherapy. Soon after, she  could walk again, and she is now training for the Olympics (she is now cycling properly again).

I saw this on the news yesterday, and this story is just so unbelievable. Monique Van der Vorst is such an amazing, determined person and that people like her are the ones who make a difference (people who have had hard times but still stay strong and don't let it get into their way of success). It's amazing that she even hand- cycled after being paralysed, but that she entered the Paralymics and won two Silver medals is incredible, and now when she has recovered, she is training for the Olympics. Wow. She is unbelievable.

A photo of Monique winning a Silver medal at the Paralympics, looking ecstatic.

The wonders of the human body will never cease to amaze me, and I wish all the best for Monique.


Friday, 25 November 2011


People perceive aspects of life in different ways. You can look at a rainy day as a miserable happening or an opportunity to do something fun indoors. That is a basic way that people can perceive things in different ways. I would like to write a pair of similar stories, just to convey the contrast:

Lily was, well, not an optimist, to say the least. Everyday she found fault with life and expressed it in a rather unpleasant way. Her grumbles and moans at things that most people would find exciting and interesting meant that she was widely disliked. She had an inability to see the glass half-full. It was a shame, really, because when she was younger she was rather charismatic- she charmed everyone she met. But now she had changed. She found a problem with everything, including when she got excellent results in school- she thought of it as "sympathy marks."

Mollie found a light at the end of every tunnel, however dark, dank or long the tunnel was. Today was a day like every other- she glanced out of the curtain, to see the ash clouds drip rain onto the foggy world. But Mollie didn't mind, in fact, she planned to write a story, which did not require pleasant weather. She lifted her hand off her maths homework book, revealing the meticulous rows of sums that were probably all correct, complete with a logical explanation for each calculation. She heaved a sigh of pleasure while she mentally planned an interesting, philosophical story. She began to type out this story, and she realised how much delight she found in writing- and this did not need any weather type.

Can you see how Lily's strangely pessimistic views on life are affecting her and how people judge her (she is widely disliked)? And how Mollie is benefitting from her overall positive thoughts? Seemingly small things like how you intepret the weather are a huge reflection on you. This is not only how you perceive the world, but how others perceive you. If you perceive with positive thoughts, they are most likely to perceive you with positive thoughts.

Cari x

Sunday, 20 November 2011

If only life was a video could watch it, rewind it and do things again, and fast forward it to a better time.

You do things that you regret, you do things that you look back on and say "I could have done that better." Authors do it when the get a book published. Or you are correcting mistakes and find a careless mistake that the answer was obvious to. Everyone makes these mistakes, all the time. Note I didn't say blogs, because those can be deleted or edited.
When I was nine, I got a short story published in a book. At that moment, I was ecstatic. But now, when I read it againl I think "I should have used that word, not that," or "That sentence is so strange, I wish I hadn't put it in." At least it isn't something I regret, and I still get a wonderfully warm feeling of pride when I see my name imprinted on the crisp white pages.
Enough about me, there are much more serious versions of this. Crime is an interesting one, so I'm going to explore that. If a random person on the street leaps out at a girl and kills her for no reason, they will probably regret it later on, especially if they are jailed. But if somebody has done something terrible to them or that affects them, chances are that he either dosen't regret and feels justified in murder, or he takes a lot longer to regret it. Lets say someone that is reasonably well-off shoplifts and gets found out. It's not the same as if somebody gets caught stealing bread if they have no food. The person who has no food will not want to have done anything differently- after all, he was trying to survive. But if the person who shoplifted for no particular reason gets caught, he will regret it later on. And probably end up paying.

Cari xxx

BS (for those of you who don't know, blog script): I should really post a story on my blog.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

She won't tell me anything! Secretive, huh?

This post is not about not telling people anything, it's about secretiveness. Which is sort of not telling people anything. Not always. Sorry I just accidentally published it, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I remember when I used to be secretive... I never posted any pictures, I never really said my true emotions- but now I do. And you were probably sitting at your computer screen saying "I wonder what Cari looks like" if you don't know me. But now I am a lot more open- plus I've revealed myself.

Another picture of me! Why not- I'm not so secretive anymore...
Sometimes, people trigger your curiosity by being secretive. They whisper and you see them, and you wonder "what are they whispering about? Is is about me? Is it about her? Are they discussing an exclusive event? Are they gossiping or spreading rumours?" I could go on. Millions of questions surge into your head all at once, so many that you have an "overload" like a light bulb and don't say anything. A light bulb also goes out when there is too much power. But I've already previously blogged about light bulbs so I will try and stop now.

I guess, sometimes I am secretive. I don't want people to know some things. I could post a huge secret and even some of my closest friends would be shocked. But I won't- I'm still a bit secretive. Then again, I never wanted to post pictures of myself at first...

Cari (if there are any words which should have capital letters but don't, my keyboard isn't being as responsive as usual. Sorry).

In the Long Run/ Missing out

As I have already explained, me smiling!
Sorry about the title, it does display a certain amount of indecisiveness. But back to business. I am posting this because I am meant to be at a party, but as I have exams coming up very soon (as in this Wednesday soon) I can't go. And you can see how I'm missing out. I walked home with everyone else for about half of the way, though, so at least I got to join in a bit. That's where the long run comes in. I would have loved to go, but if I stay at home and revise, it will be more beneficial in the long run. Or the short run, as all the exams are over in February. So,this is what I can do...think ahead (yep, the long run again) and know that I am doing work for my exams and also think that there'll be other parties, or carry on sniffling for quite a long time. I mean, there will be loads of other parties but I get one shot at this exam. As I am feeling quite gloomy and sad, I will put a photo of me smiling! Hopefully that will give me something to grin about again (smiling is very contagious. It could even be classified a disease that comes and goes too quickly, that everyone wants to get).

Cari- I'm sorry that this was a bit strange, but it's what I felt like posting- A real life situation that everyone can relate to.

Friday, 11 November 2011

In case you were wondering....

This is what I look like! :-)
I just felt like adding a face to my blog.


There are so many paths in life...

I could use a map.

Oh, and, er, which one do I take?

I know that sounds strange, but it's true, everyone would benefit from a map telling you exactly what to do.
There is a map, but it is split into peices. All the people who care about you and guide you have a peice. some peices are bigger than others. They all give you their peices (sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly), until you have the whole map. Sometimes, without realizing, you have a peice as well. Or a few.

A strange metaphor, but I believe that it's true.
Or think of it this way......
When you are born, you enter a large, confusing forest. Your aim is to get out of the forest. Along your life, you encounter many different routes. Sometimes, you just have to guess which one to take, sometimes you make logical guesses. Sometimes you ignore logic, and that can either get you into a good or bad situation. You also find many other people along the way. They can either help you or put you off your path. The people who get out live the rest of their lives happily and with a sense of acheivement. Those who are overwhelmed by this maze of a forest, and believe they will never get out, die in the forest, never having sensed acheivement before- they never know when they are on the right path. Those who have confidence they will get out do, unless they boast this and take advantage of their confidence.

This map/forest idea bounced into my head and has relentlessly taken up my thoughts, so I  decided to blog about it- not just that, but I like the idea anyway.

Hope you liked my post!- Cari.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

You can find hope anywhere.

I have recently been feeling very hopeful. This koala speaks for me here- look into his eyes. I can just see the hope and innocence in his eyes- I hope you can as well because I find this photo striking. It is very, very cute, and speaks a thousand words. I have been looking and looking at it is so abundant in hope.

I believe that hope can be found anywhere- In a tough situation, in light, in a koala's eyes, anywhere. This is the aim of the koala- to show that light can be found at the end of even the darkest, dankest tunnnel. It's the sort of picture that makes you tilt your head, I don't know why. Stare at the photo for a minute and you'll know what I mean.

On top of all that, it is an amazing photograph and I have no idea how the photographer captured so much emotion in it.


Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Logical Thinking and Ideas

These two subjects tie in together- in a way, the logical thinking is like a shoe that fits on the ideas perfectly, but I do think that the sock is, say red and the shoe is green- they contrast eachother.

Think of logic (the ideas come in later) like a circuit with one battery and one bulb. The more "bulbs" (ideas) you add, the dimmer the ideas become as you pay less attention to each one.If you add more batteries (or apply more logic to the idea), the idea gets brighter, more logical and works better.  It will only work if the circuit is complete. That's just a metaphor, but I think it does work.

Another metaphor for ideas is this- think of a large white canvas everytime you are think of something new. This is your "brain". Sometimes you decide to paint on it (deliberately coming up with ideas) and sometimes you lose control over your hand and splat paint all over it (when ideas just pop into your head).  Sometimes, you have an incomplete painting and revisit a canvas. Sometimes, you get a new canvas. It depends on whether you are coming up with a new idea or building on an old one. And sometimes, you have no idea what to paint.

Cari- I may build on this post later on.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Saying Sorry is one thing, but Apologizing....Well, that's a whole new story

Have you noticed that when someone owes you an apology, they sometimes just say sorry rather than actually apologising. It seems strange, but there's a huge difference.
Apologies always happen when there is time to say a thorough apology, and the people apologising leave time for you to reply. They are prepared and thought of.
"Sorries" or the fake apology is said in a tone that may seem that they have no time, or they did nothing wrong. It usually happens in the middle of something, and sometimes, the "apologiser" just walks away, not leaving you time to answer, and you are probably left gaping. An insincere apology is worse than not apologising at all. Which, depending on what it is, is quite bad.

I have had this apply to me recently (recently being last month) and an insincere apology just leaves you feeling worse. What's the point if you don't mean it, anyway? It makes me wonder why people apologize like that even when it makes others feel worse.


Monday, 7 November 2011

Writer's Block

Hello! I've tackled the necklaces and the apple crumble was delicious. Today, I am blogging about writer's block, because , surprise, surprise, I am currently experiencing it. And it is....interesting.
I have literally been thinking "I really want to blog today but I don't know what to do it on" all the time. Believe me, I have tried asking friends, and clicking the "next blog" button millions of times. The fascinatingly interesting thing about writers block is that you stop thinking "oh, this will sound stupid" and write whatever you can think of as you desperately want to write something. Anything. So thats what i'm doing. And it is actually quite easy, now. It sounds cliche but it flows. That is the hidden bright side of writer's block, or the light at the end of the tunnel. Writer's block can be annoying- you have to write an essay and you have no idea where to start, for example. But it also gives you to the "oppourtunity" to write like this. "Like this" meaning without stopping to think "should I use meticulous or orderly to describe something neat?" Which of course no-one will answer for you, so it leads into....well, writer's block. I have  learned so much from this post. I never realied what a gift writer's block was. And i'm not being sarcastic. But now i've thought about it in an optimistic way (yes, the glass is half-full about writer's block), I have found out it's not actually that bad. Wow. I've written all this when I supposedly had writer's block.

Time for a paragraph break or this will go on literally forever (maybe not).

Cari, who is posting a link Now, so click here!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Oh, forget it.

After lunch today I really wanted this blackberry and apple pie or whatever it was made of.
But then my mum and my younger brother started cooking apple crumble. And I thought, "No way, I am not having two desserts" as I have already had a (probiotic, taste-the-goodness, fat-free) froen yoghurt.

It's a little like last night when I tried to untangle a necklace (and admittedly failed), went to bed, and forgot about it. And until now, "oh, forget it" is all i've thought since.
So I guess I won't be having an apple and blackberry pie.

This seemingly small, pointless (almost. I love apple and blackberry pie) and silly scenario pops up every day, and it is, whether we notice it or not, something we spend ages (in total) on, only to think "I can't do this, forget it."

Which leads onto my next point. I bought some fortune cookies yesterday. Since then i've been devouring both the fortune and the cookie. One fortune said "if you give in, you give up." Which admittedly is slightly side-tracking from the point, but I gave up on the necklaces. I shall try again this evening. Then again, I don't mind about the apple crumble, but I didn't start saying "I WANT THE APPLE AND BLACKBERRY PIE!" (fortunately). I guess I just went with it.


BS (blog script): I rarely do links anymore. Promise i'll have one soon. Can smell apple crumble cooking!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

One thing to do Another.

This statement annoys me. I mean, it's like saying you have (or slavishly copy) another dancer if you want to dance. You don't. Or you have to read good books to write good stories. It helps, but not neccesarily defines whether you can write well or not. In fact, it could be meaningless to do so, because immersing yourself in a sea of books that you don't understand the meanings of is...pointless.

I have done many things well that you can "only do if you..." without doing the thing that you have to do in oreder to do that...that may be a little confusing.

The point is that this statement is completely, utterly untrue. Please comment if you agree, disagree, or your general experience with this saying.


Sunday, 30 October 2011

I'm Back!

Hi! I'm finally back, and holiday was amazing! Just a quick post to let you know I haven't stopped blogging! Just wanted to say that I will resume blogging normally very soon!


Saturday, 15 October 2011


I am a very open person. Which means I like change. So I was thinking, to just write down some more thoughts and feelings in my blog. Instead of the types of post I do right now. Except that now isn't really a good time. Because I'm, er, going on holiday. first blog when I come back will reflect what I have just said in this post (unless I change my mind yet again). And I might change the writing to something more...ledgible.


Friday, 7 October 2011


I want (or have wanted, these change all the time) so many things. And sometimes, they haven't been satisfied. But want is insatiable. When you get something you want, you admire it for a day or two. And then...a better, more contemporary, newer one comes out! And you want that instead. get that, and's never-ending cycle. Until you realize it itsn't worth it.

The aim of this post is to help people realize that there is a cycle of want, as I call it. And when you get something you want, relish it because it's a waste to just start desperatly wanting something else.

Cari, who admits she has this problem...occasionally.


People have problems with this all the time. Celebrities may say something misintepreted, only to find it plastered all over the Daily Mail the next day. And some break down, some stay strong. And some just show very convncingly  that it doesn't bother them.

Everyone knows what I mean. There is no way someone can live a life without this getting to them, whether they've spread a rumor, they've had one spread about them, or they've heard on ethat makes them feel...guilty in a way. Or it's a complete misunderstanding. How annoying.

I have found "mis" comes up a lot when speaking of rumors. Misunderstood, misintpretated. It happens. But because this is sometimes the case, try not to let it get to you. That much, anyway. But a big percentage of what you hear is rumored.


Saturday, 1 October 2011


Everyone has an ambition, whether they admit it or not. Life isn't worth living if you have no dreams and no aims, simply because you won't enjoy life or look forward to anything if you don't.

This post was inspired by, yes, a chain email. I was skimming through it when I came across this:
Don't laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
And I have faith in that statement.

Determination determines (pun not intended) just how far you go with your ambition. If you really want it, and you really are determined, you'll fulfill your dreams. You'll surprise yourself.

Good luck!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover?

Maybe it's not such a bad thing. I don't mean stop speaking to someone because you don't like their haircut. I mean...would you have your MacBook Air if you didn't judge it by the way it looked? Some brands rely completely on the look of their products. And when you see a shiny, slim new phone with good reviews, you want to buy it, don't you?

It may seem wrong, but it's not. If you like the look of something, it's fine. You are judging just by saying that you like the look of it. Sometimes you have to. If we're speaking literally, why would you pick a book off the shelf if the cover doesn't appeal? Maybe if a friend has reccommended it. But the cover would still put you off...a bit.

So what i'm saying is don't feel guilty about buying something just because you like the look of it. Imagine what would happen to the fashion world if that happened! Remember that the feel of it is also an important factor. But remember- don't judge a person by how they look.


Saturday, 24 September 2011

One Saying, So Many Situations Applying.

I had just come off the tube, and was, as whenever I go on the tube, staring at the adverts surrounding me. I noticed some new ones had been plastered onto the wall. They each had a quote on them. And that's where I got the inspiration for this post.

"You can't expect to win the jackpot unless you put a nickel in the machine."
I do have a post called Life is A Lottery...
That isn't the way I interpreted it.
I think this means that if you don't put any input or effort into anything, you can't expect to succeed. For example, you may want to start a business, become famous, write a book...but none of this will happen if you put no effort into it.
There is only so much you can do with natural talent.

If you interpret this differently, please comment.

There's Nothing like...

What is your biggest comfort? It could be snuggling up on the sofa with a good episode of The Apprentice, maybe it's a hot chocolate on a day that resembles the weather patterns of Antarctica. Whatever it is, when you think about it, you probably think this:
There's nothing like...

To me, there is nothing like...reading a good book, watching business-based reality shows, reflecting on my day in extreme depth while curled up in bed...there are so many things that I love doing that give off sheer happiness.

And these are so important. It's important to turn off your phone and just relax every once in a while, otherwise your head becomes all clogged up and you can't think properly...

I wanted to blog about this because people are forgetting this. Try it. Turn off any technology that keeps you from thinking, sleeping or relaxing. Yes, it may seem unthinkable but try it with you phone. That way, you have some time to think and not have to worry about threatening text messages from feared collegues.

Comment on any opinions, comforts or anything related.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Another 17 years...Until We Can Supply You With Another Limb

A mother has just publicly accused the NHS of "Age discrimination" after they say that her 1-year-old daughter cannot be supplied with an artificial limb until she is 18.

Year-old Poppy has a shortened right arm and it would be beneficial if she could have a flexible artificial limb. Instead she has a velcro-strap PVC limb. The NHS have said that it would have to be changed often as the arm grows so it would be better is she could wait until she has stopped growing to get one. Her mother, Mrs Pickford, is not satisfied with the velcro-strap limb as she claims it gives the appearance Poppy has a broken arm and says it falls off too easily.

Her family are looking towards raising over £30,000 to supply Poppy with five silicone arms.

I can see why the NHS are saying this but at the same time, I understand that Poppy's parents want the best for Poppy- in this case, wanting her to learn to use a normal arm.

What do you think? Is the NHS being reasonable or discriminating against Poppy because of her age? Please share your views and comment.


Saturday, 17 September 2011

The Two Types Of Changing Yourself

Changing has different sides to it.

Type #1: Learning from mistakes: changing for the better.
How many times have you heard this: "Everybody makes mistakes." Familiar? Maybe it was the comment that saved you from getting into trouble as a child, or maybe it aggravated you because you heard it when your Dad forgot to take you to the park.
Whatever the situation, learn from the mistakes made. Use it as an opportunity to grow instead of mourning over it. Even if it is somebody else's mistake, let it leave an imprint on your mind. Try to make these memories positive, though, instead of saying "Don't do this," say "Try to do this."

Type #2: Trying to copy someone else: changing yourself to please others.
I'm not talking about the idiom "A leopard can't change it's spots" meaning you can't change who you are. If you want to, you can change your style, you can change your attitude, even an aspect of your personality, but do it for Yourself, not because somebody laughed at your skirt. This is about staying true to yourself, and not letting others influence you too much. Inspiration is fine, but copying isn't. Don't get an iPhone 4 just because somebody sniggered at your two-year-old Samsung, buy an iPhone 4 because you like it or find it easy to use or are in desperate need of a new phone to replace your ancient one. It's OK to see someone with a shirt you really like and want to buy a similar if not identical one, as long as you don't copy their entire wardrobe.

Thank you for reading and please follow!


Thursday, 15 September 2011

We Are Outstanding?

I have just read a news article that caused me to write this post. It shocked me so I wanted to express my opinion on it.

The article was about the fact that 53% of secondary schools inspected by Ofsted that achieve an 'Outstanding' rating do not achieve an 'Outstanding' rating for the quality of teaching. The schools are judged based on various aspects of the school and are given a rating of 'Outstanding', 'Good', 'Satisfactory' or 'Inadequate' for  each category. Primary schools are less likely to get an 'Outstanding' ranking if they have not got an 'Outstanding' rating for the standard of teaching.

In my opinion, a school should not achieve a rating of 'Outstanding' if the teaching isn't- my thoughts on what should be the main priorities of a school are as follows:
1. To make sure the children are getting a good education.
2. To make sure the children are happy and comfortable around their teachers and peers.
3. To make sure the children grow to be polite, friendly, and able to communicate.

Thank you for reading my views, as this is a topic close to my heart.

BBC News- Michael Gove queries schools' Ofsted ratings


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Life Is A Lottery

The aim of this post is to analyse that statement, and say my opinion on it.

Life isn't really like a lottery. I mean, when you chose your numbers for the Double Rollover last week, did you expect to win? It's really a gamble, maybe you think 'Will I win a few pounds?' Nobody really takes care with their numbers, maybe they put their lucky number and their house number and a few digits of thier phone number but there is no strategy, no core thought behind it.

Imagine if people treated life like a lottery. Nobody would care about what they did. Imagine what that would do to Society, politicians saying "Lets put up taxes 30%, see how it turns out" or parents saying "Let's just send our kid to drama school and see how they like it" with no real reason for their choice. It would ruin lives, not just emotionally but mentally and physically.

People would do whatever they felt like. They would put no thought into life-changing decisions, do completely unreasonable things and would gamble on every choice.

If you disagree comment and tell me how life is like a lottery. Thank you for reading.


Negative to Positive

This covers a few things. Firstly, you know my What it happening to music? post, I will do a positive response to that. There are some beautiful and meaningful songs that I would like you to listen to because they not only sound different to most modern music but have meaning to them (click the Links):

Set Fire To The Rain (Adele)

The A Team (Ed Sheeran)

Nobody's Perfect (Jessie J)

Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (Coldplay)

Better In Time (Leona Lewis)

Comment if there are any other songs I have missed out that you think should be on the list.

Secondly, most people have heard the saying "From bad to worse," but I think that things get better in time, because you learn to adapt and adjust over time. This gives the illusion that it is getting better. I find this happens quite a lot, for example, if you hear a depressing song, you could feel really upset and not be able to think about anything else, but everyday you'll find that the pain from the song fades, until eventually, you don't feel sad anymore.

Lastly, if you think about something bad for a long time, you will discover a bright side. Sometimes, this doesn't take a long time, but sometimes this will take a while. But by doing this you are being brave: Facing Facts. Facing facts is something that is better done sooner as opposed to later. This conveys one of my favourite sayings "Ignoring the facts doesn't change them," which indicates that you are better off facing facts sooner. If you refuse to admit a medical problem, chances are it will only get worse. Learn to face them. This will take enourmous amounts of strength and courage but it is a skill you have for life, a very important one.


Saturday, 10 September 2011


Maybe insects are fluttering in your stomach, maybe you want to scream. It doesn't matter, you're excited! But excitement is a strange, eccentric, weird, bizarre feeling. It is usually the positive equivelant to nervousness, but it could feel like pure happiness. Satisfactory. Like you've done something world-changing for the better.

Or maybe it brings disappointment. I personally don't like hockey. It makes you go in strange and uncomfortable positions, is generally not enjoyable in my opinion, and the mouthguards make me gag. But I remember the night before I started playing, I was so excited, I thought I could discover my new favourite sport, and even woke up early to go to before-school hockey practice- and was trapped in a flood of disappointment. It was my (and probably a signifigant amount of others') first time playing. We plunged straight in to a game, and I was embarrassed because I didn't know how to play. When we actually got round to the skills (next hockey practice), I was confused. This was what almost the entire yeargroup got up early especially for? If I hadn't have had such sky-high expectations, I would probably have just shrugged my shoulders.

Excitement can be one of the best emotions, too. The anticipation of something great about to happen. So don't avoid excitement over new things- it's great that you are enthusiastic. But not too excited.

Whatever the situation, it could end well or badly. So try not to get too over excited over something you've never tried before- remember the hockey story.


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Quality, not Quantity

The old saying at it's most important in a media controlled world where everything is judged on quantity. The old saying that you thought were the most annoying words ever spoken when you wrote an eleven page story at school.

Having many sales could well be an indicator of quality. A blog having many followers can be an indicator of a good blog. Not always. But a blog could pull in over a million followers overnight but it would still be terrible. I am not saying that everything popular is bad. But people buy into popular culture for the sake of doing so and for acceptance, regardless of what they think of it.

If it were totally up to you, how many of the shops that you currently shop at would you actually shop at?

I am also not saying that you should follow this blog if you think it is terrible. You can comment and tell me your concerns or disagreements, but if you feel you have my interests or like my style of writing, please feel free to.

A lot of people show off if quantity is shown in any way over something they have done: "Look at how many followers I have on Twitter. How many have you got?" This could be a good time to say you don't have Twitter. "How many friends have you got on Facebook? I have seven hundred and sixty three!" This person probably doesn't even know half/most of them. "My favourite song is Stay Awake by Example, it's number 1! What rating on the charts is your favourite song?" You may not be an Example fan. That is beside the point; the point is that they are basing their judgements and status and importance on a rating of Quantity. They are not asking you whether you enjoy using Twitter. They are not asking you whether anyone of your friends on Facebook has posted some exciting news recently. They are not asking what your favourite song is. They are asking how much you are worth in Facebook friends, Twitter followers or even your favourite song.

The reason I posted this was because I thought somebody's opinions and judgements are never more or less worthy than another person, and the dignity for one's opinions is fading.


Monday, 5 September 2011

1, 2, 3...The Lowdown on Lists

Shopping lists, To-Do lists, Places To Go lists- Lists. Lists, Lists, Lists. What can I say? Some are helpful, some are out to ruin your life: Let me check my To-Do list...I must go and get that blowdry at the salon for Lianne's wedding, but first I must pick up the laundry from the drycleaners. And when will I get round to buying Lia's new pencil case, her old one is falling to peices...

Lists can be extremely useful- Admit it, you would have forgotten the butter last time you went to Waitrose if you list wans't clipped neatly onto the trolley. Or you would have gotten margarine instead. But like the example above, they can take over your life. Here is a typical To-Do list- the deadliest kind of list (this is based on a Londoner with a few children of varied age).

1. Do the groceries- a whole new list for that.
2. Buy a new computer- preferably a Macbook. Very Useful!
3. Top-up my phone.
4. Renew Alicia's O2 contract.
5. Buy Emma's new duvet.
6. Oragnise Ben's party.
7. Buy Ben a Birthday present (and sort out what it will be).
See how worrying about what you have to do is not going to be beneficial (to say the least)?
But I am feeling a bit hypocritical- I did do a "5 Things That Annoy Me Most" which was technically a list. Those lists do not keep you up at night worrying, though. Unless...You write that a fellow collegue Annoys you most? Maybe not even then. Try to keep positive with lists- thay are a big part of many people's lifestyle. As this is a lifestyle blog, I decided to mention it. To-Do Lists could ruin your life/lifesyle.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Going Back or Starting Fresh...

This seems like a convinient time to write, doesn't it? The school year is starting and people will go back to their daily work routine soon, some have already started. Going back to something is strange to me; I never have completely positive nor negative reactions or emotions towards it. Sometimes you are going back to something you've experienced many a time, or maybe it is partially or totally new to you.

Whenever I think about it, I tend to go through my list of positives and negatives of Going Back. It may look huge, it may pass without very much notice by like a car driving by. It could take up the topic of every thought you have. I would like to (and already have a bit) share my thoughts on Going Back.

You could get to see friends or collegues that you haven't seen for a while, and share your experiences with them. But I'm not going to lie to you, they can change, and that has happened so many times. A collegue who you have always found agreeable and fun to be around could now be completely difficult, disagreeable and boring. People may see the same thing in you too. This is what triggers my positive and negative feelings towards going back somewhere.

On the other hand you could be completely new to something. And it's worse mid-year, surrounded by an army of experienced people. Everyone knows that feeling- Where do I go, How do I act, What do I do? Or you can feel like a veteran after a week or two. People do have different reactions.

My best advice for anyone nervous about going back to somewhere or starting somewhere new would be: It is best not to try and stand out or draw attention to yourself on the first day by disagreeing with what everyone says just for the sake of it. You want to be noticed, but this could set a bad reputation for you, which you will later have to try and make up for.

My best advice for someone relaxed about going back or starting somewhere new would be: It's great that you aren't nervous, but don't get too caught up in the positives because people change. And if you are starting somewhere new, remember that it might not live up to your expectations. So lowerng them slightly will be benefitial, and possible save disappointment.

If you would like to share any experiences or have advice for people going back or starting somewhere new, please comment.


Friday, 2 September 2011

Let me just go and find my car keys...No, I'll use my iPhone

No, I am not going anywhere by car where I need my phone. But how come people are willing to go and find their iPhone, but not their car keys? I honestly don't know. The App Store has started selling an app to open your car. But it's crazy- searching for your phone is the same as searching for your car keys. Maybe you look for your phone more willingly but...
And maybe you carry your phone with you at all times. OK, maybe it's useful under those circumstances, but you could do the same with your miniscule car key. And if you say that you always lose things, forget it- you could also lose your phone. Does anyone else think that the App Store is selling too many useless Apps? Please comment if you think otherwise or have discovered another completely useless App.

May I just add: I love apps! But there are some pretty pointless apps out there.

5 Things That Annoy Me Most

5 Things That Annoy Me Most (In no particular order)

#1. When you look up "How to...", scroll down reading a whole page convincing you this is the best method ever- And when you get to the bottom of the page, there is a book or product which costs £39.99 and you are never going to buy, as it would be a complete waste of money. Even when they lure you in with a "10 % off" offer. Sure, you have to advertise...but this is genuinely the most annoying way possible.

#2. When people ask you "Have you ever..." and finish the sentence with something you have no interest in at all, and when you say you haven't or you don't like it, they say "You DON'T like it?" or "You've NEVER had a frappucino*?" I really hate this because the person doing this never realizes how annoying they are when they do this. And if they do realize, they do it again to wind you up.

#3. When you someone asks you "Are you mad at me?" when you clearly are. I don't know why people do this, maybe because you have no choice but to say no, and they use this information later...
I actually have said "A bit" and I never regretted it. So my advice to all you people in this situation- tell the truth or they will say "But you said you weren't cross with me!" And you will waste hours explaining how hard it is to say yes.
 Most people (most, not all) have been on the transmitting and receiving end of this.

#4. When people say "Do you like my advert?" or whatever this thing is that you hate. This is a bit like number 3, because if you lie and say you do when you hate it, people will use this information later and...
Sometimes people will make you take part in this "advert" and say "Because you like my advert, will you help me with it?" This is even worse, because if you try and change anything (It seems like there is no choice but to say yes yet again) they always say "But I thought you liked it!" I apologise that this is starting to turn into an advice post.

#5. When twelve-year-olds make really bad songs, post them on YouTube, and think they are "Stars." They think this because their videos get ten million views (and nine million dislikes), and claim they are celebrities. This is so annoying, I can't tell you how much. I think most people know exactly what I am talking about. And having nine million dislikes on a video that has been viewed ten million times makes you infamous, not famous. It is being viewed for the wrong reasons. People have gone to thier friends and said "Watch this video, it's so bad, LOL."

Does anything else make you want to Scream? Post a comment and tell the world what it is.


*The Frappucino incident is true.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

What Is Happening To Music?

I was looking over my posts and I realized: My slogan is Lifestyle. Opinion. Reviews. Links. A Typical Notebook. The problem is, I haven't had very much opinion in the past few posts. So this is where I am going to make a change.

Go on to the iTunes store. Look at the Top Charts. What do you see? Yes, you see a numbered list of songs. And it is an achievement to be on that numbered list of songs. But what is behind that numbered list of songs?

For one thing, it's autotune. Autotune. The deadly tuning technology. The deadly tuning technology that tells a genuinely untalented person they can be on that numbered list of songs. Note I did not say that all the artists on the Charts are untalented, in fact many have a wonderful passion and talent for music, but anyone feels can wail into a microphone, autotune it, and voila, they are the artists of tomorrow. Which is what is happening.

Sure, not all artists use autotune. Most of them do. But if they don't, they usually have loud background music covering up their voices. I am not saying that all artists with a backing track to their song are terrible. But the main part should be the singing and meaning of the lyrics rather than a deafening beat. And at this time of writing, the number one album on the charts is called Nothing But The Beat. See what I mean?
I am going a little bit off topic here, but why is so much music about music? Have songwriters run out of ideas? But music should not be all about, If you know what I mean.

Sorry for that slight interruption. But I thought I would add that in. So, as I was saying, the number of people saying "Oh, my favourite song is..." and that song just so happens to be the most bought song in the country- has undoubtedly increased. Which means more and more people have a quick check of iTunes before they leave the house, remember number 1 or 2, and if anyone asks- just repeat the name of the song that is number 1 or 2. So musical talent has not only become exploited through a lot of modern music, but music is becoming less judged on quality than on it's rating on the charts.

To summarise, I am not a hater of modern Pop/Rap music. In fact, I actually like it. And there are some very talented artists out there, that are being recognised for the wrong reasons. But I think that music is being exploited, when it is there to be enjoyed, or as a form of art. Sorry that this post has been so negative. Thank you for reading.


Monday, 29 August 2011


Today I went to GoApe!
GoApe is a chain of high rope courses, which has 27 different locations.
You start off with a 30 minute safety brief, a quick turn on the practice course and you are left to your own devices! The parks have 5 sites (including the practice one). I will point out the Highlights:

Highlight #1. The Scenery
The place that these courses are set in are breathtaking. Plus, you get to Zipwire through (and sometimes above!) the beautiful area.

Highlight #2. The Rings
Although this part is optional (as are all the obstacles rated Extreme), I took this route and never regretted it. Around 8-10 rings hang from ropes, and you have to try and get across by stepping through them. It might be slightly frustrating, but you will love it.

Highlight #3. The Tarzan Swing
I don't think anyone would leave this out if they were pointing out the highlights of GoApe. It may seem terrifying at first glance, but once you are off the platform (and possibly screaming) you will have the time of your life. There is a Huge drop, so you will feel like you're flying. At the end, you are flung into a giant rope net, which you then climb up. There is an alternative if you can't bring yourself to step off the platform, as this is another Extreme rated activity.

Highlight #4. The Wobbly Bridge
Although this isn't too difficult, it is great fun trying to run across- before falling off to one side! Challenge your friends or relatives to see who can run across the wobbly bridge the furthest without falling off. GoApe is still a great activity to do on your own, so try to not hold on when you go across or attempt to run across without falling off!

Highlight #5. The Net
Another obstacle which is moderately easy, I liked the net because it was an activity that you could just swing in mid-air and enjoy the view down through the ropes. Alternitavely, you could run across really fast and fall to the sides with the nets there to push you back up!

Highlight #6. The Zipwires
I decided to put this at the end because at the end of every site, there was a zipwire to take you back to the ground. The zipwires are breathtaking, yet they only last a few seconds. Look down and you'll see the striking scenery, look ahead and you'll see the great height you have just stepped from, or encouraging family and friends waving down at you!

I would undoubtably reccomend GoApe, even if you are scared of heights as it may help you conquer your fear. It is an astonishing experience guarenteed to take your breath away. Be sure to bring  camera!

Click Here to visit the GoApe website.


Saturday, 27 August 2011

The Smurfs

Yes, you can find a review of The Smurfs' App at something along the lines of (click the link for a proper technology site review), but read mine anyway. Compare it. But I am doing more than the app. This may turn out to be a Lo-ong post.

The Smurfs' Movie
Hopefully I shall be going to see the Smurf's Movie soon (I'll write a proper review for that.) But my friends (who have seen it) say it's:
"Amazinggg," via Skype
"Great," in Conversation
"Awesome," in Conversation

So i'm guessing, it's going to be terrible. Not!
It will probably be really awesome. I technically haven't read the online reviews but i'll take my friends' word for it.

The Smurfs' App
Brilliant Graphics, Planting/Harvesting Crops, Awesome Little Blue People walking around- It has to be The Smurfs' App. The time it takes to grow crops ranges from just 30 seconds to 24 hours, so it will be pretty flexible in contrast to your busy, busy schedule. Crops take the same amount of time as it took to grow them to wither in case an addition to your To-Do List pops up, but a notification is availible to inform you when your crops are about to wither. At level 14, you unlock Flower Boxes and seeds, and as you level up, the amount/type of seeds you can plant increase. Plants on Magic Shrubs take from 24 to 120 hours to grow, byt they never wither. There are also a selection of games availible at various levels, and they are very addicting! I would definetly reccomend this App.

The Cartoons/Comics
Retro, dating back from the late 1950's. The figurines were also invented a year later. You can still see some episodes on YouTube of the smurfs, click Here to watch one. They feature Gargamel, an evil wizard, along his sidekick cat, Azreal, as the sworn enemies of the Smurfs.

Click on the Links:
Greedy Smurf
Brainy Smurf
Farmer Smurf
Baby Smurf
Clumsy Smurf
Handy Smurf
Painter Smurf
Papa Smurf
Lazy Smurf
Grouchy Smurf
Vanity Smurf
Jokey Smurf
Hefty Smurf
Gargamel & Azrael
Alternatively, you could always go to the Smurfs' Website

Feel free to express your opinion on this post. I appriciate your feedback.


PS:I Used Smurf Colour :-)!!!!!