Pages of my Notebook

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover?

Maybe it's not such a bad thing. I don't mean stop speaking to someone because you don't like their haircut. I mean...would you have your MacBook Air if you didn't judge it by the way it looked? Some brands rely completely on the look of their products. And when you see a shiny, slim new phone with good reviews, you want to buy it, don't you?

It may seem wrong, but it's not. If you like the look of something, it's fine. You are judging just by saying that you like the look of it. Sometimes you have to. If we're speaking literally, why would you pick a book off the shelf if the cover doesn't appeal? Maybe if a friend has reccommended it. But the cover would still put you off...a bit.

So what i'm saying is don't feel guilty about buying something just because you like the look of it. Imagine what would happen to the fashion world if that happened! Remember that the feel of it is also an important factor. But remember- don't judge a person by how they look.


1 comment:

~Emzy ♥ Vera~ said...

I see the aspect you have taken on don't judge a book by it's cover and that's right, but the last sentence you said is much more frequently used. Your right, it doesn't matter if you judge your computer by the look's because they don't have feelings :)