Pages of my Notebook

Saturday, 10 September 2011


Maybe insects are fluttering in your stomach, maybe you want to scream. It doesn't matter, you're excited! But excitement is a strange, eccentric, weird, bizarre feeling. It is usually the positive equivelant to nervousness, but it could feel like pure happiness. Satisfactory. Like you've done something world-changing for the better.

Or maybe it brings disappointment. I personally don't like hockey. It makes you go in strange and uncomfortable positions, is generally not enjoyable in my opinion, and the mouthguards make me gag. But I remember the night before I started playing, I was so excited, I thought I could discover my new favourite sport, and even woke up early to go to before-school hockey practice- and was trapped in a flood of disappointment. It was my (and probably a signifigant amount of others') first time playing. We plunged straight in to a game, and I was embarrassed because I didn't know how to play. When we actually got round to the skills (next hockey practice), I was confused. This was what almost the entire yeargroup got up early especially for? If I hadn't have had such sky-high expectations, I would probably have just shrugged my shoulders.

Excitement can be one of the best emotions, too. The anticipation of something great about to happen. So don't avoid excitement over new things- it's great that you are enthusiastic. But not too excited.

Whatever the situation, it could end well or badly. So try not to get too over excited over something you've never tried before- remember the hockey story.



~Emzy ♥ Vera~ said...

what you just wrote conveys my favourite saying hope low, dream high so if you have a low expectation you wont be disappointed, but if its amazing well.......... think of the happiness you'll feel!

Cari said...

I know what you mean, but high expectations can be good, especially when things live up to them. Just don't make them unachievable.
