Pages of my Notebook

Thursday 1 December 2011

Happy Birthday

This post it dedicated to my little brother, who turned four today.

Where do I begin? There are so many positive things I have to say about my brother. He is so clever, extroverted, bubbly, active and full of fun. He enriches my life, brightening things up even at the darkest of times. He is caring, thoughtful, lovable, cuddly... I could go on. His liveliness triggers mine, his ability to always look on the bright side inspires my views. He fills my heart with joy when he runs around hysterically, too excited to describe in words. "Happy Birthday to me!" He chants wildly, his eyes brimming with eagerness. All the things that make him "him" merge to create a strong, happy young character- who brings joy to everybody. He is always onto something new and he's eager to learn about the world around him. He is hilarious, and his sometimes unintentionally funny comments and views of the world result in hysterics from the entire family. He is friendly and kind to everybody, and has every trait that I could possibly want from a brother and more. Every day he comes up with new tricks that make me burst out laughing, and every day my love for him grows.
Happy Birthday, you are truly loved xxx

Cari xxx

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